Please pray for all of us here in Buffalo, N.Y...the site of the fiery plane crash of Flight 3407.
So many are suffering the loss of a loved one; so many are questioning why God would allow this to happen to good people.
We do not know God's will. And many times, His will is not our will. Often, it is hard to comprehend the suffering that we experience in our lives.
But God asks us to TRUST in Him!
Trust is often not a feeling...but an attitude. An attitude of faith. An attitude of accepting all, good and bad, that is bestowed upon us, our families and our friends. If we develop an attitude of complete trust, we can then respond..."Lord, Thy will be done".
Right now, all of us in this beautiful city of Buffalo, are going to embrace each other and pray that God strengthen us. We pray for peace to surround our lives as we pick up the broken pieces and move on.
Please pray for us as well.
So many are searching for answers to difficult questions only God can answer.
Pray that everyone turn to God for mercy and love. God is the One True Healer. He can and will make us new again.
He will grace us with the infinite treasures of mercy contained in His Divine Heart.
If we had to rely upon our own abilities, we would have every reason to give in to despair. But, we have hope because our God is all powerful and loving! It is His love and mercy that will bring us through this great tragedy. Jesus promises, "Heaven and earth shall pass, but My words shall not pass."
Grace will triumph in the end, but first, we must pass through Calvary.
Peace in Christ,
I have been so touched and my heart goes out to each and every one in Buffalo who has lost someone in the crash and to all those living in the Buffalo area being affected by all this.
I keep you all in prayer know the JESUS of MERCY will embrace you all in His Sacred Heart and confort you and show you the way.
Sister Georgene Golock, FDC
Akron, Ohio
Thank you Sr. Georgene...for your prayers and your comforting words. Your prayers mean more to us than you will ever know.
I would like to share something with you, something that's always helped me when dealing with sudden death. I don't remember when I heard this or where, but I've never forgotten it. Sudden death shows me God's infinit mercy and boundless love - it is to me our good and gentle Father saving those who's souls were perhaps in jeopardy. He took them before they lost the certainty of entering heaven. It is harsh and heartbreaking to us, but to know it may have possibly saved our loved ones from endless darkness...well...this is what enters my heart when I hear of sudden loss of life.
Thank you...that is a comforting thought. Yes, we must remember that our Father is merciful.
Very difficult times. My God be rich in His Mercy and grant true healing and repentance.
Thank you John, for your prayers.
I bet your baby is getting big. Hope all is well with you.
Peace in Christ,
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